Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jan 3rd to Jan 10th, Still in La Paz : )

Yep we are still here!!  They say La Paz is like quick sand, once you arrive you get stuck.  Well we did.  It hasnt been all play, we have been working on RainShadow, rented a car and drove to Todos Santos, worked on RainShadow, visited friends, worked on RainShadow, played games had cocktails, worked on Rainshadow, provisioned for our next adventure, worked on RainShadow and watched the SeaHawks!!! and worked on RainShadow, I think you get the idea, we have been working mostly and we are soooo ready to be done and move on to our next destination!!

 Here are some pictures of our stay here in La Paz, we will be departing for Mazatlan sooooon, I hope!!

El Cardon ( big catus)

The Malecon, La Paz

The Malecon, La Paz
The Malecon, La Paz

The Malecon, La Paz
Workin in small places!

Off with your lid!
I can get it!

Look what happens when I leave him alone....
Thats the Marina we have been at since December 22nd


  1. You guys are working too hard and having too much fun. Looking forward to seeing you in Maz!

  2. Did you get my email regarding Puerto Penasco? I wondered at the two lower case i's you had after Rainshadow but sent it as you had written it. It did not come back as undeliverable so hopefully you got it. We had a death in our extended family so I haven't checked with my brother-in-law to see if he found out more info for you re. haul out. Write me again if you need to!
