Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 11th San Juanico to Mangles, 8nm,

calm seas winds 8-12knots, anchored in N cove at 15 feet of water, rolly anchorage

 We fished this San Juanico morning before heading to Mangles and still caught nothing. We did have these small 12 -20inch fast sleek black fish striking and we could not catch them, but it was fun trying!! You could see them coming, they would dance across the water and strick but we couldn’t hook them,as if they were watching us as they were teasing us! We saw a sea turtle and lots of fish along the banks through the clear water, no need to snorkel it was like a clear window in areas, very cool fish, big dark blue angle type fish, small bright yellow and black striped fish, long light silver needle fish. Little marble like bright blue fish and lots of other small fish. We left San Juanico about 12noon and headed the 8nm miles to Mangles, we pull our jib out no main, we need to repair it at La Paz. We were the only boat until Seahorse arrived. It was now blowing about 15-20+knots. We are anchored in about 15 feet of water, its a rolling anchorage here not a lot of protection really. We went to shore and explored the ruins of a resort, someone started to build and never finished, its crumbling away. This is the beach we found crystal type rocks on when we were here in 2009. The rocks are amazing on this beach, agates everywhere. We went to our boat and Brian made a awesome Chicken Divan Dinner!!!  Cam and Janie came for dinner and Cam loaded a pile of great music on my computer. Sleepless night for me the boat rocked back and forth and the dink (that is hanging) outside our bedroom windows is rubbing and bumping against Rainshadow as Brian is snoring and the boat is rocking.  Yawn.........

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