Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 3rd, Posada to Playa el Burro @ Bahia Concepcion

Departed Posada around 9am and anchored 15minutes later at El Burro
 Beautiful hot day, no wind, calm water

Today the guys stayed at the boats this morning and did projects while Janie and I hiked the mountain/big hill. We first stopped at Berthas and met the new owner, Ceclia, her daughter and a friend. They made us feel right at home and the restaurant has really improved from the last time we were here in 2009! She has done a great job making it nice. We had a cervas and helped Celia's daughter create a sign for their Christmas party they are going to have on the 15th. Celia gave us our cervas for helping her daughter, then we hiked the mountain. It was hot and steep all the way to the top. We saw a small group of goats with a couple babies. Once on top it’s a spectacular view of Bahia Concepcion!! In 2009 when Brian and I hiked up there was a dead bush on top people put a rock in to show they made it to the top. The rocks were gone, Im guessing because of the Hurricane Jamnina the summer of 09, so we put our rocks in to start the tradition again. Once down we went back to Berthas to meet the guys, they were on the beach working on our dink motor, it doesn’t want to start unless brian messes with the chock or something. Anyway they never came over so we walked over to them. They were in front of the palapas that line the beach. People live in them during the winter months, some year round. The palapas are all different and unique, people lease them for 20+ years and pay yearly.  We met a couple, Eric and Kerri from Canada, they winter in the one right in front of where the guys were working on the dink.. Very nice people invited us in for drinks. This palapa is cool, the walls are make of frames with a mesh type screen you can see out but no one can see in . Inside is a bar, shower room and a door that leads into their 5th wheel trailer, pretty cool and only steps from the water. Carrie was saying she wanted curtains made from some fabric she had and was trying to get them made for two years. I offered to make them for her, for being such great hosts and providing all the drinks to all of us.

Heres the rocks we put in th bush, you will also see the palapas and our anchorage below.  This was a steep/straight up hike, too hot......but beautiful and well worth it!!

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